Saturday, October 8, 2011

REPOST: Woman to Woman: Stop Settling....

This is a great article that i wish i could copy and paste (& link back of course). for all women, please don't sell yourself short. even I am guilty of settling for a man, a situation, and even lower my standards just so i could have somebody i could foolishly believe i could call my own. as a single woman now, i realize that singleness isn't a punishment, it's an oppertunity. who wants to be with someone who doesn't have all their ish together? who want's to be with someone who truely CANNOT live without their mate? while some circumstances are understandable, you should never, never, never ever never lose yourself when loving somebody else. you deserve the world, let him seek you, because even the bible says "Proverbs - Chapter 18:22 "He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the Lord.". how many relationships have you be in where you "found" a man, and it actually led to a long lasting, pleasant, relationship? that's not to say it can't happen, but let's be realistic. the Good Man god wants you to have will come, soon as you stop messing around with the knuckleheads and "settling" for less than what you deserve. wanna keep your man, just to say "he messing around with them hoes, but he comes home to me???" foolish chick, let them hoes have him. while we on the topic, how about having children wiith your "boyfriend"- then crying foul with it ends and goes from sweet to sh*t?? how many relationships have worked out and people are still together after having a baby with no engagement or wedding in sight??? don't worry i'll wait. again, there are rare, and i mean rare cases. i could go on and on, but i want  you to read this article, read, comprehend, and apply ladies: CLICK THE LINK BELOW::::

Woman to Woman: STOP SETTLING...

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