Tuesday, December 28, 2010

A woman’s prayer

Lord I humbling come into you presence
Asking you to hear my words, acknowledge them holy in your essence
I ask not for material possessions but I offer you my heavy heart
Remind me that it’s not a new year that brings change- but everyday offers a fresh start
Give me a fresh presence of mind, I ask in your name heavenly father
Take away these burdens, which seem to keep behind me in follow
I pray for peace of mind as I travel daily in this world
Remind me that I’m grown now and my temper is no longer that of that same 16 year old girl
Keep me free of the plans of the enemy and keep my path on yours
Place in front of me the keys to success, through these obstacles, show me open doors
Keep my mind and body free from the trials of temptation
Show me that my loyalty to you, my following you- will equal eternal life if I keep pacing
Keep my mouth from negativity and let me learn the lessons that I can without causing pain
And if I fall from grace, let me know that to be saved- all I have to do is call on your name
Denounce my failures, and allow me the strength to get up and try again
If I lose another associate, at least I know that God will always be my best friend
Lift this pain from my heart, the ice and black spots are soon to fade I know
Put those broken pieces back together in your name I beg heavenly father- the stone walls must go
Renew my supply of patience; shine your light in those dark areas that I seem to dwell
Lift me up off my knees when I feel defeated, I will not secure a spot for myself in hell
Prepare me for your blessings, and if my plans are not of yours- erase them from my mind
Remind me that the action of waking up everyday- is enough reason to smile, be happy, to people be kind
Place your hand in mine and guide me as I face my life- another year of schooling and entering the job market due to un-satisfaction
And if you feel that I’m foolish for questioning my own moves- put in my mind all I need to do is keep asking
Your plans are set out for me dear lord-I know- I just wish I could stop being impatience and keep my faith in you
I won’t lie- at times I feel like I’m stuck in this rut, lonely, empty and so confused.
I know I must trust you- you have my best interest inside and that’s something I’ve accepted
And even when my heart hurts deep and tears flow- you surround me with your unfailing love, a family I can count on and strength to keep pressing
Like right now I can feel you hearing my words and lifting this cloud
It feels better now that I’ve spoken to you- feels as if I could run a mile
I pray it’s not temporary, that’s why I ask you to fix me and keep working on me- I know you’re not through
We’ll have these talks daily- I keep your word in my heart and focus on moving ahead
I pray that you order my steps and anoint my head
You made me in your image and I realize that as long as I got you I will succeed
I know that now I must remain strong- and continue to trust in you to get to where I need

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