Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Reading Material....Act Like A Lady, Think Like A Man (halfway point review)

So after heavy procrastination (simply because I wasn’t mentally ready to hear what I wanted to know) I FINALLY copped Steve Harvey’s 1st book, Act like a lady, Think like a Man.  

Here’s what I think of it at the halfway mark.

(Disclaimer: I’m not posting what’s in the book, I WILL NOT spoil it for you)

Growing up (yea I’m 22, but I feel sooo old) I ALWAYS wanted to be cool w/ an older man who was able to “school” me on the mind and ways of a man. I basically wanted someone who lives this shit every day to teach me how to address men, how to get any man I wanted RESPECTFULLY, and to know those whom weren’t about shit right off break and those who were- to teach me how a man should treat his woman, how men should prioritize family, God, Money etc. Typically this person is normally your father or father figure, but due to circumstances out of my control, I never got that series of talk or up-bringing. ANYWAY, I’m mid-way through the book and YES I learned a lot, some of which I already knew (but didn’t put into practice) and a lot of it makes me go “hmmmm, now I get it” I’ll prob. Read and re-read this a few times, highlighting key parts and making notes and meditating on it (yes it’s that  good in my eyes). NOW, you may find a few woman who think this is just a book of excuses; let me tell you now they are those who cannot and will not move past hurt, anger, resentment etc. woman like myself will take this as a lesson learn, an opportunity to DO BETTER in relations with men and gather the information needed to accurately address men. You may also find some men who think Steve is giving away the game, giving away the secrets etc. and while some may think this is the case, it’s not. I see this as again, that man whose an OG in this game of life, simply giving pointers and guidance to woman. I confess this with all my being, I cannot and for a while never thought I would understand the ways of a man, however after reading this book (keep in mind I’m at midpoint) I realize things that seem so common sense now, and I feel this is definitely a must-have if your attempting to become a better woman, which is the journey I’m on.

The book is about 16 bucks now @ borders about the same price as a nicki minaj cd and if you can spend money on ZANE, Teri Woods or Noire then you can def, pick up a book that if you read whole-heartedly, without pointing fingers and an open mind, can save you  a heartbreak in the future.

But don’t just take my word for it ladies and gentlemen…READ THE BOOK.

As Always, Support Black Artists!


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