Thursday, September 29, 2011

*Movie Review* - "Thor" (2011)

Let's establish something right off the bat; I love the Avenger movies and cannot wait for the first "Avenger" movie next year. Does that mean that this review may tend to be a bit biased? Possibly, but I still prefer a good movie over a steaming pile of garbage any day. I can see why all of the previous "Hulk" movies have failed. Avenger or not, the Hulk is boring. Hulk get mad, Hulk smash, movie over. Zzzzzz.

One of the advantages to having Stan Lee still alive and lucid is that he can contribute the necessary character elements to all of these Marvel movies. The casting has also been exceptional throughout the Avenger movies so far. Robert Downey Jr. is perfect as Iron Man. Chris Hemsworth is perfect as Thor. It really helps a movie to have good casting. For an example of casting gone wrong, watch anything that stars Nicholas Cage.

One of the things I have liked about all of the Avenger movies is that, while they are all essential to establishing the full "Avenger" franchise, none of them feel forced like the fourth and fifth "Harry Potter" movies did. "Thor" does an excellent job of presenting the story of Thor ala Marvel Comics without making it feel like they needed to make a movie so here it is.

It was obvious that there was a lot of work put into creating the visual Asgard sets and images. But, for some reason, Asgard still looks like a two-dimensional painting to me. It would not be so bad if it were not for the fact that Jotunheim (home of the Frost Giants) looked significantly more realistic than Asgard did.

But, visually, the rest of the movie was fun to watch. It is not going to win any Oscars because none of the Avenger movies will win any Oscars. But this was a fun movie to watch. One of the things I was worried about was the brilliance of Sir Anthony Hopkins overshadowing the rest of the cast. But everyone seemed to be able to keep up, and maybe that is what made this movie so enjoyable.

This is one I would definitely get on Blu-Ray if I were you. Get yourself comfortable, crank up the surround sound and enjoy the movie.

RANK: 2 1/2 out of 5

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