The frustrating thing about the American people is that politicians eventually show their true colors at some point in a campaign. Some politicians will swear that the Earth is only 10,000 years old because the Bible says so, and others will conveniently forget sexual harassment lawsuits they settled years ago. By the way, committing sexual harassment shows a huge flaw in the character and judgement of a person. You don't want someone who has committed sexual harassment in charge of anything.
But when those true colors show up, that is when the politicians really throw on the rhetoric about the issues you are concerned about. A few references to 9/11 and some promises to lower taxes and you forget all about the candidate's bad character and inability to make key decisions. People are sheep, and we have no one to blame for our current problems but ourselves.
Think for yourselves a little bit here people. Rick Perry looks stoned when he gives speeches. Watch him! He looks and acts stoned! Is he stoned? It is probably worth looking in to. If he isn't stoned then he is an eccentric politician that has nothing good to offer the American people.
Look at all of the Republican candidates. STOP reading the drivel they are feeding you because that is stuff you are supposed to believe. I am talking about really looking at the candidates and looking at their past and their records. Do you see anyone in there that can run the country? STOP spewing their platform at me! The politicians don't believe their own platform, so why should you?
Now look at President Obama. Did he keep his promises? No, he didn't. Is he the best choice to have in the White House right now? Compared to the nutjobs in the Republican party, yes, Obama is the best choice. But he isn't the best choice overall. He wants the government to do everything except tuck you in at night, and I am pretty sure he is working on that too.
Breaking News! Birthers can now shut the hell up! |
By the way, every Republican candidate should have to produce his or her birth certificate before being able to run for president. If Obama, and the country, had to endure the embarrassment of the Birthers movement, then the Republicans should have to put up with it to. What amazes me is that not only has President Obama released his birth certificate showing he is a natural born American citizen, but he also has the secretary of state for the state of Hawaii saying he is a natural born citizen and some people STILL want to see the "real" birth certificate.
These people either need to give it a rest or do the real Ammurrikan thing and make sure all presidential candidates release their birth certificates. That way the rest of the world can see just how much Americans don't trust each other.
My community recently started a very poorly-planned recycling/garbage collection program that has us paying an annual fee to get rid of our garbage. The incumbent mayor is taking a beating about the program so he decided to wait until after the election to send out the bills to everyone. Unfortunately for him, the people in my community are quite that stupid. So he has decided to really put the new recycling program to the test by generating more paper-mailers than any other candidate in history. It all goes into the recycling bin that he arranged for us. See how the system works?
The solution to our problems is to put experienced business people in elected positions. When a politician shows he does not really care about people, it is still a shock for some reason. When a business person shows he does not care about people, it is expected. Successful business people know how the system works, know how to twist the system and know how to get things done.
Here is what you do. You put business people in elected positions and develop a pay system that is based on performance. For example, for every percentage point the unemployment rate is lowered in a state, the governor gets $500,000 or something like that. Every year that the federal budget is balanced, the president and everyone in congress gets $100,000. Business people understand getting paid for results. This would also eliminate the incredibly annoying habit of paying politicians while government workers are laid off due to a government shut down. If the employees can't get paid, then the people in charge can't get paid either. Get to work and fix the budget if you want to get paid.
Politicians have it way too easy. The American masses will believe what they want to hear, and politicians do not need to produce results to get paid. I am not naive. I know the system won't be changed. But the current system is headed for a crash. I just hope that William Clay Ford, Jr. is there to pick up the pieces for us when it does all come crashing down.
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