But alas, there are a few products that i use when i permenantly color my hair- that just might help someone out
ION Color Brilliance Permanent Liquid Hair Color (two boxes in picture)
Color Brilliance Permanent Liquid Hair Color <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<LINK
I use JET BLACK and this gets my hair the BLACKEST I've ever seen. it isn't harsh like other permanent colors, comes in liquid or creme and relatively cheap. 4.49 (without a beauty club card- SO GET ONE! for an even greater deal @ 3.99)
TO START- i begin with a GOOD washing, possibly with a good clarifyer- if not i tend to use the
Ion Crystal Clarifying Treatment
Ion Crystal Clarifying Treatment <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<LINK
After the treatment, I theroughly wash it out of my hair and continue with the color, my hair is naturally dark, think and long so i grab two boxes of color, and the 4 oz bottle of developer, which i add all of both into an applicator bottle (you may want to use the creme color if your utilizing a mixing bowel- i use an applicator bottle because i'm better able to determine where the color is going)
i normally let it sit for about 20-30 mins, but depending on how much is left in my hair from a previous application i wait 10-20 mins.
RINSE HAIR THEROUGHLY after color applies- i use
Ion Color Defense Shampoo 12 oz.
Ion Color Defense Shampoo <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<LINK
it's a great shampoo, gently cleanses, moisturizes, and strengthens color-treated hair.
you might want to follow up after washing with a conditioner or a hot oil treatment- and follow up behind that with
Ion Color Defense After-Color Sealer 6 oz.
this locks in hair color, moisture and shine.
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