Actor Sivakumar's second son is Actor Karthi. He is the younger brother of Actor Suriya. Karthi's marriage is fixed by his parents. Ranjani who is a gold medalist in English Literature M.A. is the lucky girl is going to marry Karthi. She is doing her college sutdies in a Chennai College. Her parents are put up in Erode. After having discussion with Ranjani, Karthi decided to marry her. The marriage will take place on June 3rd. The above photo is Karthi and Ranjani.
"Mel Epstein & Johnny Villaflor were in my corner. I was 20. Referee was Dick Young. The fight was televised in L.A. on KTLA Ch-5. We had a war. I got the decision. Two nights earlier, my pal actor Reb Brown, carried me out of a bar (I was too young to drink but they served me anyway) and tossed me into the back of his van. In those days Reb Brown was known as Bob Brown, a former USC running back and amateur boxer with the Johnny Flores stable.
The next day I was a no-show at the Main Street Gym for a warm-up/loosen up session the day before the fight. I was paralyzed with the worst hangover I would ever experience. I would hear the phone ring and know it was either Mel Epstein or my girlfriend calling, no way was I going to answer. The next night I paid the price. What should have been an easy win, was a tough fight."
Years ago, when my father, the late great Andrew De La O was still alive, he would almost always answer the obvious questions with "It's possible but not probable". I have no doubt that would be his answer to "Hey Dad, do you think Mosley can beat Pacquiao?" It would be petty hard to argue with that. A decade ago I would probably say Mosley, without a doubt but it's not 2001, it's 2011 and Mosley is nearing 40 years of age. The odds favor Manny Pacquiao, big time..
That being said, if there is any fighter alive, in or around that weight class, that can find the possibility of beating Pacquiao, it's Sugar Shane Mosley. Manny is great, no doubt. I'm not convinced he can walk on water but he can fight, I''ll give him that. What makes it even microscopically possible is Manny's style and Mosley's quickness. Mosley is a pure fighter and is at his absolute best when the man in front of him chooses to fight. Mosley is still (possibly) quick enough to make that work for him.
I've been accused more than once of thinking with my heart when it comes to the fighters that I like. It's true, I'm not denying it but that doesn't necessarily mean I'm wrong. In this case my head knows better but my heart will still be pulling for Mosley. He's the underdog here and I love an underdog. Plus, Mosley is an L.A. area fighter, a hometown guy and he has a huge heart, maybe the biggest in the game today. I'm hoping to see Mosley win this one. He's what my old trainer Mel Epstein would call " a deserving guy".
When the fight was first announced I was dead set against it, It just seemed too much to ask of Mosley. The fight game can be cruel, crueler than most sports. The reward for a great career is to grow old and be pitted against a younger, stronger fighter than yourself. It's just the way of the sport. Think Muhammad Ali vs Larry Holmes in 1980, Sugar Ray Leonard's 1991 fight with Terry Norris or more recently Oscar De La Hoya's beat down by Manny Pacquiao in 2008 or any number of fights over the years. Very few escape it. Mosley is well aware of the risks. The decision was his to make.
Still, my hope, and it's a slim one, is that Mosley wins big and retires. I know, I know, I'm thinking with my heart again. I can't help it. But hey, anythings possible, right?
Sugar Shane Mosley will be challenging Manny Pacquiao for Pacquiao's WBO Weltereight title, May 7, 2011 at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas, Nevada. The fight will be shown on Showtime PPV. As always, may the best man win.
There is something I want to share before I call it a night. When something concerns us, what's our perspective? It's not what we see but how we see it that reveals our attitude! If we look at life through the lens of our powerful and good GOD, we'll trust Him instead of fearfully worrying! When our… perspective is right, we can see GOD and His faithful provision! GOD said, "Do not worry." MATTHEW 6:25
There is something I want to share before I call it a night. No one wants to go through life on a selfish, heartless road! But it can happen unless we consider where we are going in life and ask the Lord for His direction! May He give us grace to embrace His Word and follow Him with all our heart!… GOD said, "Keep your heart with all diligence...Ponder the path of your feet." PROVERBS 4:23,26
Starting a new segment called "on the topic" i'll try to at least once a week post a topic that'll get ya'll minds goin....
I Explicitly use this word with caution, as I’ve been on this earth almost 23 yrs. now (as if that’s a real long time)and have ran across some of the foulest of people; those whom constantly claim “VICTIM” but most often times are the “offender”, the liars, the betrayers, the users- I’ve met and dealt with them. I’ve also run across people whom have changed my life in many ways, whether it’s through a tough situation or happy times; either way, I’ve learned something and it’s made me a better woman.
I don’t make a lot of friends for the simple fact that I enjoy spending time with myself. If you can’t enjoy being alone, why should you enjoy the company of someone else? Especially someone who’s not guaranteed to be there. IT ALL STARTS WITH YOU.
There was once a time where I searched for people whom I could make a circle with, I made friends with people I didn’t even like just to say “yeah, I have friends” (What a way to think!) after years of dealing with all the drama, bs, and just unhappiness an unfortunate situation like that can be I GAVE UP!, recently within the past year I grew tired of accepting people and their CONSTANT negative views on life, love, and relationships. I got tired of being around people whom I couldn’t be myself with, because I had to “conform” to what they thought life was about. I wasn’t being an individual, I was a follower- I was leading a life that wasn’t mine just so I could say “I have friends!” I hated the person I was becoming, all for the sake of being “friends”.
You never realize how toxic a situation is until your on the outside looking in. I mean, I was cool with somebody whom I thought was a reflection of me- but the more I was around this person- their negative ways, their drama/madness and all their issues I realized after a while we weren’t anything alike.
Now that those days are over, I’ve taken a new approach. As with everything in life, I realize I have no control over anything and that if God sees fit for someone whether it be a man or woman to be in my life, he will guide me to them and place them there. That’s not to say I’m not putting in any effort, but I’m allowing God to guide my steps.
I’m taking out time for me! I’m figuring out what I want and doin what makes me happy. I got rid of the foolishness, got my life BACK on track, and am now focusing on Ashley- Ashley’s home, Ashley’s Vehicle, Ashley’s career, Ashley’s education, and living the life Ashley needs to- in order to prepare for more blessings that I know god’s gonna push my way.
Now here are some songs that I appreciate about the topic of “FRIENDS”
no words need to be said for this song, every single word is great and hits me to my core. my favorite group teamed up with powerhouse Mrs. Kelly Price......a youtube commenter said some thoughts i share whole-heartedly.
"though the title is "Not My Daddy", and I'm sure a lot of women will get STUCK right there, the truth in some cases is that daddy wasn't daddy, so some men are stuck w/ little girls who were never nurtured by daddy & are incomplete because of the void he left!! Both parties deal w/ unresolved issues & hurt from the others past, & no I'm not a KING just because I possess a penis, nor is a woman a QUEEN solely for her having breasts & a vagina! Act the part & u will be treated accordingly!
while many of us are on our way to services this morning/afternoon, take some time before you leave to go into your prayer closet and give God thanks for all that he's done for you. He's kept us, He's guiding us, and we should praise him no matter the circumstance.
OK I don't really know them, but you got a tad bit envious of me eh?
Between Thursday and Friday, I got two good opportunities to meet some famous personalities. Last week I passed up the chance to interview the Prime Minister of Kenya because of a previously scheduled trip to Denver (no regrets in a million lifetimes,) and suffered one of the biggest embarrassments as a journalist when I found that a really good interview I'd had with tennis player James Blake never recorded. I was quite pleased when I got to interview actor Kal Penn, who's the star of the Harold and Kumar movies and TV show House, and who's now a White House official.
Originally, Penn, whose real name is Kalpen Modi, wasn't supposed to grant an interview. In fact, although his title is associate director of public engagement, I had received prior instructions that I'd only be allowed to get video footage with no audio whatsoever. Now what journalist will be satisfied with that?
So using my charm, which is quite evident in the short clip I posted below, I not only talked my way into an exclusive interview with him (beat that local TV stations with bigger budgets!) I was also allowed to tape the first 15 minutes of his round table discussion with a select number of FAMU students and alumni. Might I add that he pronounced my name quite eloquently that I may have offered him an honorary citizenship to Nigeria.
On Friday, my broadcast mentor Mike Walker invited me to a taping of the "Architects of Hip-Hop," a talk show hosted by hip-hop great Christopher "Play" Martin, which is being taped at my school. Play has been a visiting professor at FAMU the past year and created the show to interview the legends of this genre of music, and his first guest was pioneer Big Daddy Kane.
For more than two hours, the approximately 30 people in the room (not including the production team,) listened to BDK talk about his highs and lows in the game, and just about nothing was off limits. So what we witnessed was one hip-hop legend, plugging the mind of another-no holds barred. I won't go into any specifics especially since I don't know what audience would get to watch this yet. But I will say that I was one of only four studio guests who got to ask him a question (if you know how involved in hip-hop I am, thanks to my sister Ngo, then you'd know how big this was for me to do this.) So barring being cut out of the final product in the editing room, you may get to see me on TV wearing my fan hat instead of my journalism hat.
Anyway, here's two pictures of me with both legends:
I had a chance to meet promising young heavyweight Travis Kauffman. Kauffman, from Reading, Pennsylvania, is in town to spar and train with local heavyweight Chris Arreola. Kauffman is 25 yeas old, with a record of 21-1. His next fight is scheduled for May 21 at the Sovereign Center in Reading, Pennsylvania against a yet to be named opponent. You can read his story Here. The photo and video were taken at Indian Willie's Gym in Riverside, California.
This past Saturday Jeri and I drove to Riverside and spent the day with Bill O'Neill and his wife Shirley. They have a beautiful home sitting on an acre filled with every type of citrus fruit you can imagine, tons of fruit. We picked enough to fill box. Bill and his wife were gracious hosts and the salt of the earth. Old school good people, the kind of people that are getting harder to find as times goes on. Bill is recovering from a hip replacement surgery, plus he took a bad fall and suffered a concussion and hurt back. Still, he gave us a tour of the property.
On the patio
Bill O'Neill has a room next to his garage that doubles as his own personal boxing museum, filled with photos, memorabilia and fight tapes. The man has a true passion for boxing. Bill is former fighter himself, fighting as a amateur boxer in his younger days. he was also a sportswriter back in the day writing a boxing column for the Daily News, as well as other newspapers and boxing magazines, over the years. Bill has tons of memories and stories, there has to be a few books in him just waiting to come out.
The Jerry Quarry Wall
Giving me the tour
We drove down to Indian Willie's gym, which is a few miles from his home. Chris Arreola was supposed to be there to spar. He didn't show up. I did have a chance to meet a young heavyweight from Reading, Pennsylvania, Travis Kauffman. Seems like a good kid, 25 years old, 21-1. also had a chance to see Jose (Josesito) Lopez and Johnathan Arrellano. Had a chance to speak a bit with Henry Ramirez. It was good being around a bunch of young boxers. All and all, it was a nice day plus the weather was good. Our thanks to the O'Neill for their gracious hospitality.
Johnathan Arrellano and Bill O'Neill at Indian Willie's Gym
Johnathan Arrellano
Jose "Josesito" Lopez
Heavyweight Travis Kauffman
For a look at all the photos from Saturday go Here
The former MCA boss launches a broadside against his successor for blaming him for the party's continued presence in the federal and state governments after the 2008 polls.
PETALING JAYA: Former MCA president Ong Tee Keat has described his sucessor Dr Chua Soi Lek as a “despicable liar”.
He was responding to Chua’s remark that it was Ong’s decision to allow MCA leaders to assume government posts despite the party’s dismal performance in the 2008 general election.
“Chua’s statement on my alleged insistence of staying in the federal Cabinet after 2008 should be disdained in view of its factual flaws,” said Ong.
He said that it was not possible for him to have made such a decision when he was not even MCA’s president in March 2008.
(The party president at the time was Ong Ka Ting. Tee Keat assumed the presidency on Oct 18, 2010)
Ong also added that Chua never mentioned anything about staying out of the federal government during the former’s tenure as president.
“The presidential council, which Chua was in (as deputy president), unanimously mandated me to handle the matter with the new prime minister,” he said.
‘Ongoing prejudice’
Chua’s statement, Ong claimed, was indicative of an ongoing prejudice against him.
“Perhaps Chua has been overly obsessed with his prejudice against my political presence until today,” he said.
The former president also criticized his successor for being hypocritical, as the latter had assumed various official positions after Najib Tun Razak took over as prime minister.
These included the MCA presidency on March 28 last year, the Penang Port Commission Chairman and becoming a member of the PM-run Economic Council.
Ong also took a swipe at Chua for pushing his son up the political ladder to become Labis MP and eventually a deputy minister in Najib’s Cabinet.
Following the Sarawak state election on Sunday, Chua had urged Sarawak-based Chinese party SUPP to reject positions in the state government in view of the party’s heavy defeat.
His call was met by criticism from DAP, who asked why MCA did not do the same after the 2008 general election.
Meanwhile, Ong said Chua should have walked his talk by pulling out Perak MCA from the state government as well since the party’s candidates were wiped out in the 2008 polls.
“He has no excuse to be evasive as he has been helming Perak MCA for the past one year,” he added.
Though Chua Soi Lek (CSL)’s statement on my alleged insistence of staying in federal Cabinet after the 2008 electoral setback faced by MCA should rightfully be disdained in view of its factual flaws, the despicable intention of spreading lies on-line should in no way be connived without setting the record straight.
Perhaps CSL has been overly obsessed with his prejudice against my political presence till today that he has erroneously attributed the decision of MCA to stay in Cabinet after the said setback to my alleged insistence when I was then NOT the Party President. (Note: Ong Ka Ting was then still the President till 18-10-2008)
In early April 2009 when Dato’ Sri Najib Abdul Razak took over the premiership, I was consulted in my capacity as the then Party President on the choice of MCA nominees to the Cabinet. The question of opting out the Cabinet line-up had never arisen as the Presidential Council, of which CSL was a member by virtue of his position as the Deputy President, had unanimously mandated me to handle the matter with the new Prime Minister. At that material time, nobody, including CSL, had ever raised the issue of staying out of the Cabinet.
Given the benefits of hindsight, had CSL been serious with his purported claim of staying out of the Cabinet in face of the plummeting ethnic Chinese representation in the 2008 poll, he could have done so after he took over the MCA Presidency on 28-3-2010. But instead, he had his own son, Tee Yong (MP for Labis) in the Cabinet line-up when Dato Sri Najib announced the Cabinet reshuffle on 1-6-2010.
On the other hand, CSL who had earlier vowed not to lobby for any government posts, however paradoxically chose to renege his words when he happily accepted the government portfolio appointments as the Penang Port Commission Chairman and later a member of the Economic Council headed by the Prime Minister.
Similarly, CSL could have reversed any earlier decision by bringing MCA out from the Perak State government if he were truly committed to what he advised SUPP, instead of resorting to finger-pointing. He has no excuse to be evasive as he has been helming the Perak MCA for the past one year.
I have no intention to pick a quarrel with such a character as there are many more meaningful things to do in serving the people, especially my Pandan electorate. Actions speak louder than fabricated lies deliberately dispensed with for political assassination.
I produced my last newscast today, and it was a great way to end the show. The only thing that would've made it better was having my professor Leonard Horton, and my weather anchor Jessica Green, there. Professor Horton had an illness in his family and Jessica (from what I heard) was so pale that it was evident that she was struggling to not cancel on us. Both of them left early, but I'm extremely happy we represented them in their absence. If things had gone wrong, I'm sure they may have wondered if their absence contributed to it.
Earlier in the day, before he left, professor Horton asked me if I was feeling bittersweet. At the time, all I could muster was an 'ask me later.' At that time, I was still dealing with producing the show that I didn't have the time to think about what I had survived in the last 15 weeks.
But now I do. And I definitely am more appreciative of this experience I've had to go through. Not everyone can get to include a producer credit on their resume, which, if anyone who's talked to me on Tuesdays can attest is an arduous process when you are a virgin to the process.
I didn't do it for the potential awards I could get. In fact, I was pretty upset to find out I was tabbed to produce. But now that I'm done, and especially after closing the show on such a good note, few hours after I accepted an award as top graduate student of the year, I'm feeling a little bittersweet about walking away from the show because after all my great and not so great days, this was my show. This was my love this semester.
Director Mani Ratnam’s Pooniyin Selvan is the latest talk in the film world. Sources close to the Director said that Mani Ratnam was impressed with Arya after watching his performance in the film Madrasapattinam and he decided to give the role grestest Choloa Emperor Arulmozhi Varman to Arya and he decided Mahesh Babu for the role of Adithya Karikalan and Vandiyathevan role was portrayed by Vijay. Anushka is the heroine for the film Pooniyin Selvan.
Sun Pictures is the producers for the film Pooniyin Selvan and the budget for the film Pooniyin Selvan is Rs.200 cr. The author for the historical novel Pooniyin Selvan was Kalki Krishnamoorthy. The screen-play will be written by Director Mani Ratnam. As usual the expectation for the Mani Ratnam’s movie is very high. The shooting for the film Pooniyin Selvan will begin in the year end.
As expected Amir Khan of Bolton, Lancashire, defeated Paul McCloskey of Northern Ireland in a fairly one sided fight last night. Though he dominated the fight, with speed and hard punches, many of his punches were missing the mark. There is not much to say about this fight. Winning a fight you are supposed to win is a good thing I suppose but again it makes it hard to know where he stands in the overall picture of the 140 lb division, despite the fact that he is the WBA Junior welterweight champion.
The fight was stopped in the 6th round after an accidental clash of heads that caused a cut over the left eye of McCloskey. Maybe it's not for me to say but the cut had just happened and McCloskey should have been allowed to continue the fight. McCloskey, for his part was cool under pressure and fought gamely despite losing every round. Still, whether the fight was stopped or allowed to go on, it would not have made any difference, McCloskey was in over his head in this one.The fight went to the scorecards with all the judges awarding Khan a 60-54 decision victory.
Up next for Khan will be WBC and WBO Champion, American Tim Bradley, this coming July. Khan will have his hands full with Bradley. This is a fight to look forward to.
Victor Ortiz was on a mission Saturday night. It showed when he stepped into the ring. It was evident when he and Andre Berto met for their instructions by referee Mike Ortega. Ortiz had a look of complete confidence about him. He seemed sure of himself. Little did we know.
Victor Ortiz was challenging undefeated champion Andre Berto for Berto's WBC Welterweight title. The fight was held at the Foxwoods Resort Casino in Mashantucket, Connecticut. There were questions about both fighters going into the fight but the prevailing notion was that Berto would be too much for Ortiz, who was moving up in weight, fighting as a welterweight for the first time. His critics, and I was one of them, underestimated him. There were reasons of course, mainly the Marcos Maidana fight, where he failed the test of "Intestinal Fortitude". Sometimes though, in the midst of a bitter defeat, in the ring or outside of it, there are lessons to be learned. Ortiz was given a second chance last night against a good strong champion, though relatively unproven, at his physical peak. Ortiz stepped into the ring with redemption on his mind, prepared to finally exorcise the memory of his past defeat. In the face of adversity, he answered every question mark thrown at him by Andre Berto.
When the first round began Ortiz was unaware that he would be fighting two opponents but as the fight progressed it became evident. The first knockdown of Berto was incorrectly ruled a slip by Ortega. Later in the round Ortiz would again drop Berto, there was no doubt about it this time. Berto would never quite recover but he was still dangerous and he proved it in the very next round when he knocked down an off balanced Ortiz, who recovered quickly. With every exchange, and the fight was filled with them, Ortiz came back stronger and more determined. Ortiz emerged as a fighter willing to take risks and that is what made the difference for him. Ortiz took everything that Berto threw and always answered back with his own punches, only more so,
In round six Berto fighting now in the middle of the ring and trying hard to gain command of the fight, knocked down Ortiz with a stiff, strong right hand. Ortiz was hurt this time and I have no doubt that everyone held their breath waiting to see what Ortiz' reaction would be. He answered the question by knocking down Berto and staying in control of the fight.
Throughout the fight Berto was complaining about being hit in the back of the head. Referee Ortega reprimanded Ortiz a few times. What he should have done was remind Berto that when you turn your back or head on an opponent you get what you deserve. Ortega continued to make a pest of himself all through the fight, especially when Ortiz had Berto against the ropes, grabbing Ortiz by the arm and continually yelling at him to get back. Berto sensing an opportunity began to whine to the referee about every punch thrown anywhere near the side of the head. In the tenth round, while in the middle of an exchange, Berto lowered his head and was caught near the side, it was out of Ortega's view but Berto put on such a display, he simply took his word for it and deducted a point from Ortiz. Throughout the fight Ortiz was hit behind the head and Betro was continually holding. To Ortiz' credit he never voiced a complaint, choosing instead to win the fight the old fashioned way, by kicking his opponent's ass. There was no quit in Victor Ortiz last night, not one iota. He fought a great fight. It was an old school win and I liked it.
When the fight was over, don't ask me why, I had that sinking, sickening feeling that we were going to witness a robbery. Was the point deduction going to make the difference? Did Berto's whining influence the judges? You just never know what the judges are thinking, which way they will go. I needn't have worried. Judge Julie Lederman had it 114-111, judge Glenn Feldman scored it 114-112, and judge Clark Sammartino had it115-110, all in favor of Victor Ortiz. A well deserved and hard fought victory. In the post fight interview Ortiz was humble and courteous and while Berto tried his hardest to convince us that it was not him in the ring last night, those of us that saw the fight know better.
Ortiz showed that even in the face of adversity, he has what it takes to reach down deep and find a way to win. It was a lesson that was learned the hard way. His reputation and his character took a beating but he proved he could learn and come back. He was mindful of his legacy and his place in boxing. He changed the way we will remember him. he finally lived up to his nick name "Viscious" and he at last, came through for those that believed in him. To the "Victor" belongs the spoils (pun intended). One thing though Victor, lose the sombrero!
Kamalhassan and Sarika’s second daughter is also going to act in films. Kamalhassan and Sarika’s first daughter Shruthi Hassan is already acting with Suriya in 7 am Arivu. Now Kamalhassan and Sarika’s second daughter Akshara Hassan is also planning to act in films.
She is waiting for the good script to act. Akshara Hassan would act in Bollywood. Curremt;u she is not willing to do Tamil films.
Vijay is currently busy in the film shooting of Nanban - 3 Idiots in Tamil. The film Nanban is produced by Gemini Film circuit. Shankar is directing the film. Vijay is doing the role of Aamir Khan, Jeeva is acting the role of Madhavan and Srikanth is doing the role of Sharman Joshi. Famous Tollywood heroine Ileana is doing the role of Kareena Kappoor. Sources said that Ileana is getting 1.5 crores for doing the role in Tamil.
Sathyara, SJ Surya, Ajay Rathnam, Sathyan are doing some important roles in the film Nanban. The music director for the film Nanban is Haris Jayaraj and Na Muthumumar is writing the lyrics for the film. Antony is the editor and Manoj Paramahamsa is the Cinematorapher.
I found this gem at the Long Beach Coin, Stamps and Collectible Expo earlier this year. The title is "Inside the Forum", dated February 1975. It speaks briefly about Mexico's Alfonso Zamora's upcoming bout with WBA bantamweight champ Soo-Hwan Hong of Korea, at the Forum in Inglewood, California.
Zamora would win the fight and the title with a fourth round knockout of Soo-Hwan Hong. The fight was scheduled for 15 rounds. The referee for the fight was George Latka. Zamora would run up a streak of eight wins, all by KO, including a win over future WBA featherweight Champ, Panamanian Eusebio Pedroza, stopping him in 2 rounds, and knocking out Soo-Hwan Hong in their rematch in October of 1976.
In April of 1977, 34 years ago this month, Zamora would meet fellow Mexican knockout sensation, WBC Champion, Carlos Zarate, in what would be labeled, the "Battle of the Z Boys". It would be a 10 round non-title fight. the fight would take place at the Forum. The referee was Richard Steele. Both fighters were extremely popular and had their own following.Zamora would end up being stopped by Zarate when his father threw the towel in the ring, thereby ending the fight.
Zamora would fight eight more times, including a KO by Jorge Lujan in his next fight, losing his WBA title, he would stop popular local favorite Alberto "Superfly" Sandoval in 8 rounds. He would have his last fight at the Olympic Auditorium with Rigoberto Estrada, getting stopped in the 3rd round.
Window Seat Thoughts: Transformed by Trials: "I think I'm just going to make Tuesday #TonyEvansTuesday... Here's the link to the original post! Transformed by TrialsTony Evans In His Pr..."
Since I blogged about the upcoming track & field World Championships this summer, it's only right that I share this story I produced about a group of professional track athletes who train down here in Tallahassee and are coached by FSU men's sprints coach Ken Harnden.
Zimbabwe native Brian Dzingai, a former FSU sprinter, unofficially started this group and recruited Romanian Angela Morosanu into the fold. Morosanu is a 400m hurdler and counts a European U-23 Championship title and World Indoor Championship bronze medal under her belt. Brit Michael Bingham only turned pro a little more than two years ago, but already has two silver medals in the 400m and 4x400m relay at the 2010 European Championships.
All three athletes and the two others who train fully with them, have their sights set on Daegu, which will be a precursor to next year's Olympics. Here's the video. Let me know what you think.
I couldn't use Bingham's soundbite in the story, but I put together a short clip on training in Tallahassee in a separate video.
While posting up some of my videos on YouTube, I stumbled upon this video of my brother who's a tennis coach. So I thought I'd share it with you guys. I didn't realize my brother was well known in the tennis circles. But this past weekend, while covering Senior Day for FAMU's tennis team, I met a coach/semi-pro player who knew him. And he isn't the first. I've met a few people who've dropped his name, and even found a Yahoo answer about tennis coaching in which his name was dropped as well. So while I can't reward my brother in any way, I can at least acknowledge his good work. Love you bro.
This year is shaping up to be an exciting one for track & field. The upcoming World Championships will serve as a precursor to next year's Olympic Games in London, and some key match-ups are worth following.
Everyone knows about the Usain Bolt-Tyson Gay rivalry in the 100m. Ordinarily, we wouldn't be talking about this rivalry as a legitimate one, if Gay didn't defeat Bolt in their final race against each other last year. If you didn't think this was a rivalry worth tracking, then check out this interview Bolt gave to USA Today about their friendship or lack of one.
On a side note, the editors of this video really dropped the ball when they showed a picture of Canadian sprinter Donovan Bailey during the subject of drug use in track & field. I hope they correct it soon, because it could be a lawsuit waiting to happen.
I'll continue to update you guys on some key races to follow at the upcoming World Championships in South Korea, to give you an early scouting report for next year's Olympics.
Abie Han is hard at work after suffering a perforated ear drum while sparring last month, which pulled him out of a fight scheduled last month in Tijuana, Mex. But Abie’s been training hard and will be fighting on May 6th in Las Vegas, Nevada against Terronze Washington from Dallas TX. The card, promoted by Top Rank will be held at Mandalay Bay and will be televised on ESPN. Abie’s fight is a 6 round undercard fight, which will hopefully make it on the tube.
Austin Trout is back at full speed and is preparing to defend his title at the end of May. We’ll know more next week. Austin has called out the top names, with no serious responses at this time, so he plans on staying busy till the likes of Canelo Alvarez and/or Miguel Cotto give him a crack at ’em, so stay tuned!!!
An old prospector shuffled into town leading an old tired mule. The old man headed straight for the only saloon to clear his parched throat.
He walked up and tied his old mule to the hitch rail. As he stood there, brushing some of the dust from his face and clothes, a young gunslinger stepped out of the saloon with a gun in one hand and a bottle of whiskey in the other.
The young gunslinger looked at the old man and laughed, saying, "Hey old man, have you ever danced?"
The old man looked up at the gunslinger and said, "No, I never did dance.. never really wanted to."
A crowd had gathered as the gunslinger grinned and said, "Well, you old fool, you're gonna dance now," and started shooting at the old man's feet.
The old prospector - not wanting to get a toe blown off - started hopping around like a flea on a hot skillet. Everybody was laughing, fit to be tied.
When his last bullet had been fired, the young gunslinger, still laughing, holstered his gun and turned around to go back into the saloon.
The old man turned to his pack mule, pulled out a double-barrelled shotgun, and cocked both hammers.
The loud clicks carried clearly through the desert air.
The crowd stopped laughing immediately.
The young gunslinger heard the sounds too, and he turned around very slowly. The silence was almost deafening.
The crowd watched as the young gunman stared at the old timer and the large gaping holes of those twin barrels.
The barrels of the shotgun never wavered in the old man's hands, as he quietly said, "Son, have you ever licked a mule's ass?"
The gunslinger swallowed hard and said, "No sir..... but... I've always wanted to."
There are a few lessons for us all here:
Never be arrogant.
Don't waste ammunition.
Whiskey makes you think you're smarter than you are.
Always, always make sure you know who has the power.
Don't mess with old men; they didn't get old by being stupid.
Last night's fight between David Lemieux and Marco Antonio Rubio reminded me of that old story. While Rubio is not quite yet an old man, at 30, he is a seasoned veteran and has been around for a while. He may not be taking the world by storm just yet but he is a man that has clearly learned his craft. He passed a little of that knowledge on to his young and over anxious opponent. The lesson that Lemieux learned last night or at least we hope he learned, is that "patience is a virtue".
Marco Antonio Rubio, of Torreon, Mexico, entered the Bell Centre in Montreal, Quebec, Canada Saturday night, the decided underdog against the hometown hero David Lemieux. Who can blame them? With 25 wins under his belt, all but one ending by knockout in the early rounds, he was percieved as unbeatable by his countrymen. Rubio had plans of his own and it didn't include losing to a 22 year old hot shot, hometown or no hometown.
When the first round started Lemieux was on Rubio like a swarm of bees. The crowd was roaring at every punch he threw. Lemieux is a strong kid and hits hard but he didn't have the slightest concept of pacing himself. Rubio on the other hand proved to be a good defensive fighter, covering up, picking off most of the punches and biding his time. This went on for the first four or five rounds. In the fifth Lemieux slowed the pace a bit. Coming into the sixth round the momentum seemed to be shifting and then somewhere in the middle of the round Rubio took control of the fight. It started with a stiff right hand that shook Lemieux a bit. The crowd was quiet now. The stage was set for the next and final round as Rubio, in complete command of the fight now, had his way with Lemieux, dropping him in the corner. Referee Marlon Wright pulled Rubio away from Lemiex. A few seconds later, as Rubio was on the verge of knocking out Lemieux, Lemieux's cornerman Russ Anber motioned to the ref to stop the fight. It was a smart move on Anber's part.
Rubio is the kind of fighter that is hard not to like, durable, not flashy and with a quiet and unassuming demeanor. He clocks in, does his job, clocks out and goes home. What's not to like?
Lemieux? You gotta like him too. He was beaten, tired and humbled last night but I saw no quit in him. You can't fault a man for losing a fight. He's young and if his next few fights are handled properly he'll be back on track, only a little bit smarter.
Erik Morales of Mexico, was one of the most exciting fighters of his era and certainly ranked high on anyone's pound for pound list but it has been a while. Morales is three for three in his comeback that began last year with a win over Jose Alfaro in March of 2010, winning a 12 round unanimous decision. He followed up with two more wins; stopping Willie Limond in September and a unanimous decision win in December over Francisco Lorenzo. Mediocre opponents at best but a good starting point for an aging former champion. Still, it's hard to tell how much Morales has left in the tank.
Morales, one half of one of boxing's greatest trilogy, Marco Antonio Barrera being the other half, was as exciting as it gets. His big heart and reputation for throwing caution to the wind made him a crowd pleaser and a fan favorite. Nearing the end of his career he beat Manny Pacquiao in their first fight but lost the last two, getting stopped in both fights.
Morales fought the best fighters of his era, including; Daniel Zaragoza, Wayne McCullough, Kevin Kelly, Junior Jones, Paulie Ayala, Hector Acero Sanchez, Jesus Chavez and Carlos Hernandez. His last fight before retiring was a losing effort, in 1997, against WBC Lightweight champion David Diaz of Chicago (Diaz would lose the title to Manny Pacquiao the following year). The only fighter missing from his resume is the great Juan Manuel Marquez. I don't know why that fight never happened.
Argentinian boxer Marcos Maidana, at 27 and seven years younger than Morales, appears to be at his peak right now. Maidana is coming off a close and exciting loss to Amir Khan last December. Like Erik Morales, and like every other Argentinian fighter that I have ever seen, there is no shortage of courage and heart in this fighter. He proved that in his fight last year with Victor Ortiz, coming back after being knocked down three times in the fight and getting the worst of it before taking control of the fight and severely testing Ortiz' resolve as a fighter, forcing him to quit in the 6th round. Over all, Maidana has not fought the same quality of fighters that Morales has fought.
Morales will certainly have his hands full this Saturday night when they square off at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas for the WBA Interim Junior Welterweight Championship. My heart will be pulling for Erik Morales. While I would have rather seen him stay in retirement, he has chosen to fight again and I'm hoping to see him beat the odds. It will be an uphill battle for him.
Stop trusting in man, who has but a breath in his nostrils of what account is he ??? Isaiah 2:22... As it is written: "There is no one righteous, not even one Romans 3:10.. There is not a righteous man on earth who does what is right and never sins Ecclesiastes 7:20
Worry has consumed the lives of not only myself...but those whom are around me.
28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” (Matthew 11: 28-30, NIV 2011 Edition).
My Girl Mashonda Sounds GREAT on this classic remake of "Juicy Fruit".....Glad to see her back in the studio. click the link under the pic to listen....
While nothing has been set in stone, we are being "force fed" constant informaton about the possible government shutdown. I figured it would be better to provide insight for those whom are unaware of the OFFICIAL guidance used when a Furlough is inforced by Congress. There's MANY rumors but those of us whom won't be suaded by office politics/ gossip I trust that whatever happens, WILL HAPPEN, and I have no control over their decision, but i can pray.
Here's what OPM (Office of Personnel Management BKA The Federal Govt's HR Office) OFFICIALLY states
The President has made it clear that he does not want a government shutdown, and the Administration is willing and ready to work day and night to find a solution that all sides can agree with. That said, given the realities of the calendar, prudent management requires we plan for an orderly shutdown should the negotiations not be completed by the end of the current continuing resolution.
U.S. Office of Personnel Management - Recruiting, Retaining and Honoring a World-Class Workforce to Serve the American People
Guidance And Information On Furlough
Last Updated: Tuesday, April 5th, 2011; 11:00PM
The Potential Impact of a Lapse in Appropriations on Federal Employees
The President has made it clear that he does not want a government shutdown, and the Administration is willing and ready to work day and night to find a solution that all sides can agree with. That said, given the realities of the calendar, prudent management requires we plan for an orderly shutdown should the negotiations not be completed by the end of the current continuing resolution.
If the current continuing resolution expires at 12:01 a.m. on April 9, 2011 without passage of an FY 2011 appropriations bill or a further continuing resolution, Federal departments and agencies will be required to execute contingency plans for a lapse in appropriations (more commonly referred to as a "shutdown"). These contingency plans detail which agency activities are allowed by law to continue to operate, and which activities must stop. Employees whose salaries are funded through annual appropriations will not be able to work and will be furloughed, unless their duties qualify under the law as "excepted" to continue to work during periods of lapsed appropriations. During a shutdown, non-excepted employees are not permitted to work as unpaid volunteers for the government. Any paid leave (annual, sick, court, etc.) approved for use during the furlough period must be cancelled. An excepted employee who is absent from duty during the shutdown must be furloughed during such an absence. Federal agencies do not have the authority to pay their employees during a shutdown, regardless of whether the employees are working as "excepted" or furloughed as "non-excepted". "Excepted" employees will receive pay for hours worked when the Congress passes and the President signs a new appropriation or continuing resolution. Congress will also determine whether "non-excepted" employees will receive pay for the furlough period. Federal employees’ health benefits continue during a period of lapsed appropriations lasting less than 365 days, regardless of the "excepted" or "non-excepted" status of the employee. Federal Employees Group Life Insurance coverage continues for up to 12 consecutive months while in a non-pay status without cost to the employee or the agency. Both Federal Long Term Care (LTC) and Federal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance Plan (FEDVIP) deductions will cease for "non-excepted" employees. The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) will provide information on how non-excepted employees can continue LTC and/or FEDVIP coverage, as well as details on other federal benefits, through its website ( OPM will update the information on its website regarding these matters no later than Friday, April 8th.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is a furlough? A: A furlough is the placing of an employee in a temporary nonduty, nonpay status because of lack of work or funds, or other nondisciplinary reasons. Q: What is a shutdown furlough and why is a shutdown furlough necessary?A: In the event that funds are not available through an appropriations law or continuing resolution, a "shutdown" furlough occurs. A shutdown furlough is necessary when an agency no longer has the necessary funds to operate and must shut down those activities which are not excepted pursuant to the Antideficiency Act. Q: Who are Excepted Employees? A: In the context of shutdown furloughs, the term "excepted employees" is used to refer to employees who are funded through annual appropriations who are nonetheless excepted from the furlough because they are performing work that, by law, may continue to be performed during a lapse in appropriations. "Excepted employees" include employees who are (1) performing emergency work involving the safety of human life or the protection of property, (2) performing minimal activities as necessary to execute an orderly suspension of agency operations related to non-excepted activities, or (3) performing certain other types of excepted work. Agency legal counsels, working with senior agency managers, are determining which employees are designated to be handling "excepted" and "non-excepted" functions. Other employees are "exempt" from furlough because they are not affected by a lapse in appropriations. This includes employees who are not funded by annually appropriated funds. It also includes those Presidential appointees who are not subject to a Federal employee leave system-i.e., who are entitled to an annual salary without consideration of the hours of duty required and thus cannot be placed in nonduty/nonpay status. (NOTE: Non-career SES and Schedule C employees do not fall into this category.) All other employees funded through annual appropriations are not able to work during a "shutdown" and will be furloughed. Q: How will employees be notified whether they have been designated to be handling "excepted" or "non-excepted" functions? A: Each Agency will communicate with its employees regarding the method and timing of notification of whether they have been designated as an excepted or non-excepted employee. Q: Are all employees who qualify as "emergency employees" for the purpose of weather emergencies considered to be "excepted employees" for the purpose of a shutdown furlough? A: Not necessarily. "Emergency employees" are those employees who must report for work in emergency situations-e.g., severe weather conditions, air pollution, power failures, interruption of public transportation, and other situations in which significant numbers of employees are prevented from reporting for work or which require agencies to close all or part of their activities. Emergency employees are not automatically deemed excepted employees for purposes of shutdown furloughs. Each agency must determine which employees are excepted employees.
Questions regarding working during a furlough:
Q: May an employee volunteer to do his or her job on a non-pay basis during a shutdown furlough? A: No. Unless otherwise authorized by law, an agency may not accept the voluntary services of an employee. (See 31 U.S.C. 1342.) Q: May employees take other jobs while on furlough? A: While on furlough, an individual remains an employee of the Federal Government. Therefore, executive branch-wide standards of ethical conduct and rules regarding outside employment continue to apply when an individual is furloughed (specifically, the executive branch-wide standards of ethical conduct (the standards), at 5 CFR part 2635). In addition, there are specific statutes which prohibit certain outside activities, and agency-specific supplemental rules that require prior approval of, and sometimes prohibit, outside employment. Therefore, before engaging in outside employment, employees should review these regulations and then consult their agency ethics official to learn if there are any agency-specific supplemental rules governing the employee.
Questions regarding pay:
Q: Will excepted employees be paid for performing work during a shutdown furlough? If so, when will excepted employees receive such payments? A: Agencies will incur obligations to pay for services performed by excepted employees during a lapse in appropriations, and those employees will be paid when Congress passes and the President signs a new appropriation or continuing resolution. Q: Will employees who are furloughed get paid? A: Congress will determine whether "non-excepted" employees receive pay for the furlough period.
Questions regarding leave:
Q: May an employee not excepted from the furlough take previously approved paid leave (e.g., annual, sick, court, military leave, or leave for bone marrow or organ donation) during a shutdown furlough? A. No. All paid leave during a shutdown furlough period must be canceled because the requirement to furlough supersedes leave rights. The Antideficiency Act (31 U.S.C. 1341 et seq.) does not allow authorization of any expenditure or obligation before an appropriation is made, unless authorized by law. Paid leave creates a debt to the Government that is not authorized by the Act. Therefore, agencies are instructed that during a shutdown furlough, all paid leave must be canceled. Q: May an excepted employee take previously approved paid leave or be granted new requests for paid leave during a shutdown furlough? A. No. When an excepted employee is not working or not performing excepted activities in compliance with the Antideficiency Act, he or she cannot be in a paid leave status. Excepted employees must be either performing excepted activities or furloughed during any absence from work. The furlough must be documented by a furlough notice. If an excepted employee refuses to report for work after being ordered to do so, he or she will be considered in an absence without leave (AWOL) and will be subject to any consequences that may follow from being AWOL.
Questions regarding benefits:
Q: Will an employee continue to be covered under the Federal Employee Health Benefits (FEHB) program during a shutdown furlough if the agency is unable to make its premium payments on time? A. Yes, the employee’s FEHB coverage will continue even if an agency does not make the premium payments on time. Q: What effect will a furlough have on other benefits that are paid for through payroll deductions? A. The effect of a furlough on benefits that are paid for through payroll deductions varies. For additional information, see OPM’s fact sheet on the "Effect of Extended Leave Without Pay (or Other Nonpay Status) on Federal Benefits and programs at
Questions regarding unemployment compensation:
Q: Are employees entitled to unemployment compensation while on furlough? A. It is possible that furloughed employees may become eligible for unemployment compensation. State unemployment compensation requirements differ. Some States require a 1-week waiting period before an individual qualifies for payments. Agencies or employees should submit questions to the appropriate State (or District of Columbia) office. In general, the law of the State in which an employee’s last official duty station in Federal civilian service was located will be the State law that determines eligibility for unemployment insurance benefits. (See the Department of Labor website "Unemployment Compensation for Federal Employees" at
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