Tuesday, October 5, 2010


A Malaysian, respective interpretations
Submitted by webmaster on Wed, 2010-10-06 09:35



然而,今天它在不同族群中所引发的效应,却具有严重的分歧性,沦为 “一个大马,各自表述”。非马来人认为合理的平权诉求,却被一小撮马来民粹分子刻意炒作为摧残马来特权的进军号,乃当年李光耀鼓吹〝马来西亚人的马来西亚〞的翻版。这种演变发展当然不是纳吉首相始料所及。可当初他提倡〝一个大马〞理念时所留存下来的〝创造性模糊〞,恰好为别具居心者提供了蓄意扭曲的空间。

其实这种情景已有前案可寻,当年马哈迪首相提倡〝马来西亚族〞(BANGSA MALAYSIA)理念时,马来社会中的保守民粹派何尝不也将之诠释为〝民族同化〞的同义词?吊诡的是,今天已退隐多年的马哈迪竟会站在对立面,为巫统的民粹派与土著权威组织 (PERKASA)的理念主张撑腰张目。



在长期的〝零和意识〞(即ZERO SUM MENTALITY,俗称〝你嬴我输〞的意识心态)与大马来支配主义(MALAY DOMINANCE)的灌输下,认同各族平权,否定本族特权的所谓马来开明派,毕竟尚属少数,乃马来社会里的非主流派。







Translated by Google

"Malaysia" concept commonly accepted in this country is a national program, whether land boundaries or ideological level, meaning it can not be with the national integrity of the region, the state is, the distinction between race and religion are separated.

However, today it is in different populations, the effects caused by, but it has serious divisive and become "a Malaysian, respective interpretations." Non-Malays that the reasonable demands of equal rights, but was a handful of Malay populists speculation is deliberately destroying the Malay privileges to enter the number, then Lee is advocating the "Malaysian Malaysia" promise. This evolution began the development of materials is certainly not the Prime Minister Najib clinics. Can be when he advocated "a Malaysian," surviving when the concept of "creative ambiguity", just as the unique motives of those who deliberately distort the space provided.

In fact, this scenario has to be found before the case, then Prime Minister Mahathir promoting "Malaysian race" (BANGSA MALAYSIA) philosophy, the Malay society, the conservative populist Could it not also be the interpreted as "assimilation," a synonym for ? paradox is that today could even have been retired for many years stood in opposition to Mahathir for UMNO's populist and indigenous authority of the organization (PERKASA) support the idea of advocating arrogance.

Respective interpretations from the current phenomenon of view, way of thinking of all ethnic groups and ideologies of the gap is quite obvious. Non-Malays want equal rights of national equality, measured in terms of universal values, nature is nothing wrong, there is a rational appeal rights section. But from the standpoint of the interests of ethnic Malays, this is nothing more than an inherent prerogative of the impact of constitutional violations in disguise.

Thus, even moderate Malay society, the interests of his family demands recognition of its bottom line at best "fair treatment" and not on an equal footing. Children in this critical juncture, the Malays are more brazenly populist, straight to non-Malays as outsiders. Near to, created a hubbub of "alien" theory, "the passengers on the" and "back to China on the" other paper, it is testimony to such thinking. For them, a group of outsiders is sit back and enjoy, I have the same rights of procedure, is exceptionally accommodating.

In the long term "zero-sum sense" (ieZERO SUM Mentality, commonly known as "you win I lose" attitude of consciousness) and Malaysia to dictate doctrine (MALAY DOMINANCE) indoctrination, the identity of all ethnic groups equal rights, denied the privileges of the family of the so-called Malay liberals, after all, still a minority, is a non-Malay community in the mainstream.

In Chinese society, to the general public attitude, the respect for the Constitution, Malays are given special status and rights is indisputable fait accompli. However, it does not mean he family of the erosion of civil rights and should therefore be excluded. Prime Minister Najib Chinese community, "a Malaysian" idea kept hold hope, not only because it gives the Chinese community that a fair policy, the implementation of equal rights, opportunities; more importantly, its integration of all ethnic groups will be able to further develop the inherent complementary strengths, thereby strengthening the country's competitiveness.

Chinese community that the reform of the Prime Minister Najib sincerity, but only to reform and change must be unwavering. Any gains and losses based on narrow political considerations for the compromise, frustration is bound to make reforms, or even have lost. Patent reform and change is not an opposition party, nor is it synonymous with regime change.

A long-ruling political parties, in both cases, reform: First, the initiative for sustainable governance reforms in order to give new hope to the people and the times, catch up with the beat of world development; the second is to keep the regime change to be passive. This reform mainly due to the current situation needs. Say it is good advice, overlooking the public opinion; be embarrassed in front of us the reality is, if not reform, much to overthrow the only choice.

Ju Fan is a long-ruling political parties, interest groups seem to have elbow Zheng Butuo the curse of the system. But why would any form of direct or indirect loss of reform and vested interest groups, so reform will encounter these forces strike back, things are expected. In the current party political system, party control of the party preferences and decision making. Once the penetration of the interests of the party intended to be any response to the reform of public ambition, and ultimately all will be lost and go.

Of course, since the control of politicians willing to accept the interests of the party boss, party preferences do not see a deviation from public opinion will be aroused public anger, even to the party will face the possibility of disaster. But their plan is: not only is drowned soon, and I bow before the provisional resignation, it is a harsh fishing, but also get on after all.

This is the long-term corrosion of the portrayal of money politics, not difficult, after the tsunami from the 308 political inspiration in the political environment. Judging from this, the Prime Minister Najib could almost mistake? "One Malaysia" concept can do so implemented, it will not only test the Prime Minister's commitment to reform and perseverance, while the BN and UMNO party preferences in public opinion between the pros and cons of just the right choice, is it not a severe test?

Original Posting : http://ongteekeat.net/

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